A pinch of

Systemized personal trainer at Velocity NYC

Ever wonder what are the facts of nutrition and physical training? Of course, we all do, but how come many continue to struggle in life with both of these categories.  I believe people are bombarded with an abundance information that leaves them bewildered and wanting a quick fix which lasts only about a month and then go back to their bad habits.  They are a zillion diets, such as Atkins, weight watchers, Zone, nutri-system, just to name a few which work for some people and may not work for others.  In all, these diets are a temporary change.  Investing on your health should be a lifetime change and not a short adjustment. 

     Let's talk a little bit more about nutrition.  Nutrition is a provision "to cells and organisms" in the form of food to support life.  Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet.  In other words, you have the choice to select what you eat and how you can protect your body.  The human body consists of elements and compounds ingested, digested, absorbed and circulated through the bloodstream to feed the cells of the body.  Your nutrition should consists of carbohydrates, fats, protein and adequate water.  I am a big believer not to restrict yourself with a very low calorie diet, so please do not constrict yourself of the important nutrients.  Simply stated, things your diet needs to consist of a lot of vegetables, fruits, protein(such as fish, poultry, very little red meat-once a week), a little starch, preferably in the morning and early afternoon and have the good type of fat such as oil instead of butter.  What you need to stay away from is heavy starch overload, sugary drinks such as juices in bottles instead try to have a natural smoothie, stay away from carbonated drinks, junk food such as McDonalds, chips, donuts, etc and anything that is high in corn syrup.   Your diet is composed by 70% of your body.
     Second, 30% of your body form is physical training and maintenance.  While training you should emphasize on the Angie Beis Systemized Personal Training Program(A.B.S.)
My program consists of six categories in order to achieve an optimal physique and performance: muscular strength, muscular endurance, balance, core, power and flexibility.
     Muscular strength is the power and capacity of muscles and connective tissue elements to undergo stress and strain in order to achieve a variety of activities by pulling, pushing, stretching, flexing and extending different joints of the body.   Once muscular strength is achieved you can get numerous benefits from it such as increase in energy levels by improving the basal metabolic rate, increase physical strength, better health, enhanced posture, decrease of injury, healthier when older and prevention of diseases.
     Second, muscular endurance is the ability to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time as well as it's ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds or fatigue.  It is important to train aerobically and anaerobically to achieve optimal performance.  Benefits for muscular endurance training are similar to muscular strength training with additions that it allows you to perform physical activity longer and lose weight.
 Next, balance training is static and dynamic exercises that are designed to improve individuals' ability to withstand challenges from postural sway or destabilizing stimuli caused by self-motion, the environment or other objects. Balance training is essential for all ages but most importantly for the elderly and athletes.  When incorporating balance training into your exercise regimen you improve the communication between your brain and muscles which is neuromuscular coordination.  Muscle isolation is another benefit to balance training.  This may be a shocker to the novice client, in balance training you can burn more calories because your body has to work that much harder to stabilize yourself.  Balance training improves on hip, shoulder and core stabilization which will be the next category.
     Core training are abdominal exercises that affect the abdominal muscles.  The core of the body is responsible for supporting the back, spine and shoulders. Core training exercises should aim to strengthen all muscles related to these areas.  Strength and power originate in the core of the body.  When the trunk, torso and pelvis are strong and stable, power is transferred to all other muscles.  It also improves posture and balance.
     My other component is power training.  Power is a system of weight training using low repetitions and heavy weights.  It is a combination of speed and Strength.  The main focus of power training is to maximize strength in the smallest amount of time.  Some examples of power training are, Olympic weight lifting, plyometrics, gymnastics, martial arts and etc.
     Last, flexibility training is important in our exercise regimen which is fully neglected esp in men.  Flexibility training help your muscles stretch farther in a given direction.  This type of training helps prevent cramps, stiffness, injuries and can give you a wider range of motion.  It also helps in breathing, posture, balance and alignment.
     In all, with proper nutrition and appropriate and safe  training by using the categories in the Angie Beis Systemized Personal Training Program will help you make a lifetime change.  This type of training requires a lot of dedication, time and positive mental state of mind.  My motto is, "if you fail to plan, then u plan to fail."

Angie Beis


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