A pinch of


ANGIE BEIS  Systemized personal trainer at Velocity NYC
                               Stability Balls

Do you want to burn more calories in your exercise regimen? Add a stability ball to one of Angie Beis's Systemized Training component, balance. Once you add a stability ball to you regimen, your engine will be burning ferociously. You can use a stability ball for any of your workouts in order to challenge yourself. Using a stability ball not only helps burn more calories, but it improves neuromuscular coordination. In my video, am demonstrating a push up with a stability ball and hands on medicine balls into a pike.

 This exercise is very intense and for advanced people. A beginner can start with both hands on the floor and shin bones on the stability ball. Start off with 2 sets of 6 reps(do not do pike, just focus on push up). Once you mastered this exercise with no problem you can proceed to intermediate level. An intermediate can position the top portion of feet(not shin bones) on stability ball and one hand on medicine ball and the other hand on floor(again please do not include a pike). If you have difficulty performing this exercise then keep both hands on floor. Aim for 2 sets of 6 reps with each hand(if you are using a medicine ball). Last, if you completed the whole routine with out any complications then you can add a pike to your workout. When performing a pike, you want to bend from your hip flexors and lift you hip to the ceiling. Once your in a pike your toes will be on ball. This involves great neuromuscular coordination, please be meticulous when performing push into pike with feet on stability ball and hands on medicine ball. The calories you burn vary person to person while using stability ball, some may burn an extra 50-150 calories.

 Angie Beis stability ball push up with hands on medicine ball into pike, core strength




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